Life is too short for excuses and too long to start over again. Just spread your wings and explore.

To embark on her journey, Nita finished her master’s and got married at 24. By 28, she was the mother of two beautiful kids, prompting her to take a break from her career. After a decade of being a full-time mother and part-time tuition teacher, she decided to kickstart her career again. Nita wanted to continue teaching, so she pursued B.Ed. to upgrade and prepare herself for the job. Balancing her personal and professional life was challenging, reminiscent of her college days. After enduring endless hectic train travels, challenging assignment deadlines, extra-curricular commitments, and family responsibilities, Nita cleared her B.Ed. and started as a full-time teacher. Currently, she is a teacher at CPV PATKAR School, where she has nurtured her love for teaching, taught hundreds of kids, and helped them explore their passions. This journey has helped her become a better version of herself, adding value to her students’ lives.

As a person, Nita has always been adventurous and enthusiastic, relishing challenges across different aspects of her life. Whether participating in an NSS program in Chandrapur as the only woman officer amongst ten selected program officers or starting her classical dancing journey at the age of 40 while dealing with arthritis, Nita firmly believes that with passion, willpower, and consistency, one can fulfill the items on their bucket list. She believes we all have an inner child who yearns to fly, explore, and try new things, and she refuses to be held back by life’s hustles. For her, every day is an opportunity to start anew.

Life is like a roller coaster, juggling between good and bad experiences, and Nita’s life is no different. Circumstances like arguments in relationships or workplace politics pushed her towards clinical psychology, which became her profound interest and part of her healing process. She delved into psychology, REIkI, PRANIC HEALING, HYPNOTHERAPY, and more. Today, she has reached a place where she not only has grounded herself but also teaches her students at school to manage stress, stay focused, and overcome difficult experiences like Covid through group hypnotherapy sessions and counseling.

At 52, Nita’s list of dreams and passions continues to grow. She encourages others not to wait to live their dreams and explore their passions but to make today their day one. Life is beautiful, and our experiences make it worth living.
