Dinesh Soni, known as DK Soni, is a figure who has stood up against corruption at various levels, earning recognition both as an RTI activist and a social worker. Hailing from Ambikapur city in Chhattisgarh, he has made significant strides in the fight against corruption, particularly in ensuring accountability among officials and politicians.

Soni, a practicing advocate, has become a formidable force in the battle against corruption, causing unease among corrupt officials and bureaucrats merely by his presence. His activism extends to advocating for tribal interests through legal channels and utilizing the RTI Act effectively to expose corruption and malpractice. Notably, he has recovered over Rs 5 crore in funds meant for schemes like MNREGA, ensuring that the intended beneficiaries receive their dues.

His activism isn’t limited to financial matters; Soni has also been a vocal advocate for basic amenities like roads, schools, electricity, and water supply in tribal areas. Additionally, he has taken up legal battles, including filing PILs in the Supreme Court, to address environmental concerns such as forest conservation and coal exploration in tribal regions.

Furthermore, Soni has shown a keen interest in promoting sports associations and other public welfare initiatives. His organization, Surguja Society for Fast Justice, works towards expediting the legal process and ensuring justice for ordinary citizens. Soni’s dedication to consumer rights led to his appointment as Chairman of the Consumer Commission in Chhattisgarh, where he continues to fight against bureaucratic delays and political interference in appointments.

Soni’s activism extends to legislative reforms, as he pushes for amendments to the Conservation Act 2019 and Rules 2020 to rectify discrepancies and eliminate political interference in appointments. He advocates for a fair and transparent selection process, including setting time limits for appointments and considering the experience of former members for senior positions.

His efforts have not gone unnoticed, with national recognition for his contributions to fighting corruption, ensuring justice, and advocating for social welfare. Despite facing resistance from vested interests, Soni remains steadfast in his commitment to upholding the principles of transparency, accountability, and justice, making him a beacon of hope for those striving for a more equitable and corruption-free society.
