In the bustling life of a devoted mother, Kanika found herself amid a whirlwind of household chores and nurturing her children. A true juggler of responsibilities, she balanced laundry, school runs, and meal preparations with the finesse of a seasoned performer. Yet, in a rare moment of solitude, as her family busied themselves elsewhere, she  stood in her quiet living room, struck by a sense of longing and uncertainty about her own identity beyond the daily chaos.

Reflecting deeply on her life’s direction, she collapsed onto her couch and posed a pivotal question to herself: “What do I truly enjoy?” To her surprise, an inner voice bubbled forth cheerfully, proclaiming her love for talking. Amused by this revelation, she envisioned channeling her innate gift of gab into a meaningful career. Energized by this newfound purpose, she imagined captivating audiences and coaching corporate leaders with her eloquence and insight. Thus began the remarkable journey of Kanika.

Armed with a robust educational foundation, she  embarked on her path to success. She earned her BA in English Honours from Delhi University, nurturing a passion for language and communication. Seeking to blend creativity with practical skills, she further pursued Fashion Design and Merchandising at the prestigious National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT), where her innovative spirit began to flourish.

Launching her own venture, Kyan Home Furnishing, she quickly made a mark in the industry with her distinctive designs and quality products. However, as her business flourished, she faced the challenge of balancing professional success with the demands of raising a family. Opting to temporarily pause her entrepreneurial journey to focus on her children, she  gained invaluable insights into the struggles of balancing career aspirations with family responsibilities.

During this introspective period, her  passion for education and personal growth resurfaced. She ventured into the realm of international corporate, academic, and soft skills training, leveraging her natural communication abilities and professional training to inspire and educate others. Her dynamic training sessions have impacted over 3,000 teachers across India, emphasizing modern educational methodologies and enhancing soft skills to transform learning environments.

Beyond traditional education boundaries, she  emerged as a prominent advocate for the digitalization of education. As a keynote speaker for Google for Education, she championed the integration of technology in classrooms to enrich learning experiences and bridge educational gaps, preparing students for a tech-driven future.

Her  commitment to personal development extends to her work with college students and job seekers, where she provides guidance on resume building and interview preparation. Her workshops empower young adults to navigate the transition from academia to professional environments with confidence and competence.

In the corporate sector, she  has left an indelible mark through her training on personality development, communication skills, leadership, and image consulting. Her practical, results-oriented approach has driven significant professional growth among numerous corporate employees.

At Vedantu, her  role as a teacher and mentor has shaped the futures of countless students, fostering academic achievement and essential life skills development. Her curriculum development aligned with the National Education Policy (NEP) underscores her dedication to early childhood education and holistic curriculum design.
