Born in 1992, Ashutosh entered the world seemingly healthy and full of promise. However, it wasn’t long before his parents discovered his auditory and speech impairments, a realization that reshaped their lives. At that time, his  mother, then an economics lecturer, made the profound decision to leave her career behind in order to devote herself entirely to his care and development.

“My parents were overjoyed when I was born, seeing me as a happy and healthy baby. It was only after my first year that they learned about my hearing and speech issues. My mother left her job to ensure I received the necessary treatment and speech therapy, commuting daily to Ganga Ram Hospital, which was 35 kilometers away from our home,” he  recounted. “I became their singular focus in life, receiving their unwavering dedication that often surpassed even their devotion to religion.”

In most cases, children facing similar challenges are directed towards specialized educational institutions. However, driven by their determination to afford Ashutos a mainstream upbringing, his parents insisted on his integration into regular schooling. This resolve led him to enroll at Delhi Public School, Maruti Kunj, Gurugram, where he encountered his share of obstacles.

“During my schooling, I faced significant challenges from teachers who recommended transferring me to a special school for easier assimilation among peers with similar impairments. It seemed they were hesitant to undertake the additional effort required to accommodate my needs,” he  reflected. “For my parents, however, placing me in a special school was never an option. They were adamant that I should experience life like any other child, if not better. In a society where equality is paramount, this principle resonates deeply.”

He  firmly believes in the concept of collective consciousness, envisioning a world where individuals like him are met with acceptance and equality, devoid of prejudice or pity. “I’ve learned that with determination and hard work, one can overcome any obstacle on the path to achieving their goals,” he remarked.

His journey continued to evolve during his pursuit of a master’s degree at IIM Lucknow, where he explored his passion for drama and fashion through participation in the institute’s dramatics club. “Despite my speech impairment, I found expression through dramatic arts, which captivated me since childhood. I honed my skills in conveying emotions and ideas through non-verbal means, a journey that was nurtured by the supportive environment at IIM Lucknow.”

His  story embodies resilience and determination, fueled by the unwavering support of his parents and his own unwavering spirit. His experiences underscore the transformative power of perseverance and the potential for personal growth in the face of adversity. As he continues to pursue his aspirations, he  remains an inspiring example of courage and achievement, challenging perceptions and advocating for inclusivity in every facet of life
